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On Tuesday, August 6, Tom Gallagher from Cornell Cooperative Extension will be leading an outing for CSSC to Stanton’s Dairy Farm located in Coeymans Hollow (Albany County).

Stanton’s Farm is a sixth generation family operated dairy farm. The Stantons milk 900 cows and raise 700 replacement heifers. Stanton’s Farm sells an average of 22 million pounds of milk a year (that’s 2,558,140 gallons of milk!) and farms about 2,600 acres total. The dairy uses technologically advanced modern techniques to keep cows comfortable and to produce high quality milk products. The Stantons consistently work to improve their land, the health and happiness of their animals, and find ways to give back to their community, preserving and highlighting agriculture in Albany County for generations to come.

The group will be leaving The Beltrone Living Center at 10 a.m. and returning at approximately 1 p.m. We ask that all attendees make a donation to CSSC’s Transportation Services (recommended $5 each way). Space is limited. Please call Colleen Henry to make a reservation at 518-459-2857 ext. 325.