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The journey continues on Friday, January 10, as we visit another sacred space. Join Diane Conroy-LaCivita as she travels to St. Basil’s Russian Orthodox Church on Lansing Avenue in Watervliet.

St. Basil’s parish celebrated its 100th Anniversary in 2001. The parish was formed by a group from the Sub Carpatho-Russian province of Galicia who had settled in the Maplewood area of the Town of Colonie. The church was established by nineteen men, inspired by Father (now Saint) Alexander Hotovitsky, who helped organize parishes all along the east coast. In January 1901, the Brotherhood of St. Basil the Great was formed and His Grace, Bishop Tikhon of the Aleutians and North America blessed the members of the Brotherhood to construct a church building. The congregation continued to grow and a new, larger church became necessary and was blessed in September 1945. This church building remains to this day and has been the site of countless Sacraments and Blessings to the many generations of St. Basil’s parish.

The CSSC shuttle bus will leave The Beltrone Living Center at 9:30 am and return at approximately 11:30 a.m. Space is limited. To make a reservation, please call Sharon Herald at 518-459-2857 ext. 302.