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We hope you have a big appetite. Sure, it’s July. It is hot and humid. Cooking up a pan of lasagna would make the kitchen a lot hotter. However, the smell will waft. Your mouth will begin to water and when mealtime arrives, you will have a huge appetite for a big piece of lasagna.

Lasagna is a favorite Italian dish. In between multiple layers of lasagna pasta are generous amounts of tomato sauce, cheeses, and sometimes hamburger and/or Italian sausage and/or possibly a variety of vegetables. It is the favorite Italian dish enjoyed by millions of Americans.

It is best to celebrate National Lasagna Day by baking the lasagna. Come join us on July 29 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. as we demonstrate how to make a variety of lasagnas. (Oh and yes, bring your appetite!)

This demonstrations will take place at King Thiel Senior Community, 17 Elks Lane, Latham, with a non-refundable $5 fee and will include lunch. Space is limited and prepayment for the class is required. To make a reservation, please call Sharon Herald at 518-459-2857 ext. 302.