Award Winning Chefs to Host Cooking Demonstration
August 21, 2019 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
On June 10, CSSC hosted our very first Chefs in Motion: Culinary Tasting and Competition The Beltrone Living Center. Ten area restaurants/chefs participated and Field Notes, a pop-up farm-to-table restaurant located at Lansing’s Farm in Colonie, came away the judges’ favorite. Chefs Kyle MacPherson and Joan Porambo have agreed to do a cooking demonstration for the public at King Thiel Senior Community instructing attendees to better understand what goes into growing the produce we use every day, by not only cooking with it, but also by being a part of the process from beginning to end.
Please join us on Wednesday, August 21, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. as they cook and assemble recipes utilizing local.
The demonstration has a non-refundable $5 fee and will include lunch. Space is limited and prepayment for the class is required. To make a reservation, please call Sharon Herald at 518-459-2857 ext. 302.