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Do you have a favorite children’s book that you enjoyed reading to a little one? RSVP of the Capital Region is seeking volunteers to read their favorite K-3 children’s
story on camera. The project involves filming 10–12 volunteers reading their favorite story book and then the compilation will be made available to interested schools or groups as a Story Hour resource. Volunteers should choose an appropriate book that takes a few minutes to read—no chapter books please. Participants should practice reading the book so that they are comfortable with the story and can be expressive while reading. The Program Director will review each book choice. Volunteers will be filmed by CSSC staff on Tuesday, March 14 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. in the Library at The Beltrone Living Center. RSVP volunteers will be given hours for the time provided to the project. If you’re interested in this Virtual Literacy Project, contact Kristin Vivian, Director RSVP at 518-459-2857 ext. 308 or kvivian@colonieseniors.org.