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Please join us on Sunday, March 8, from 12 noon to 3 p.m., at The Beltrone Living Center for an International Women’s Day (IWD) celebration.

IWD has occurred on March 8 for well over a century, with the first organized gathering occurring in 1911. However, the idea of IWD began a few years earlier when great unrest and critical debate was taking place amongst women. Women’s oppression and inequality was spurring women to become more vocal and active in campaigning for change. Then in 1908, fifteen thousand women marched through New York City demanding shorter hours, better pay, and voting rights. IWD is not country, group or organization specific; it belongs to all groups collectively everywhere.

Make Women’s International Day Your Day. The wonderful things about International Women’s Day is the day is not country, group or organizational specific; it belongs to all groups collectively everywhere. On March 8, there will be informational sessions, panels’ discussions, table exhibitors, music, and all sorts of refreshments.

Some of the individuals participating include: Congressman Paul Tonko (invited), Mayor Kathy Sheehan (invited), Rosemary Armao and Libby Post from WAMC’s Roundtable, Lisa Robert Lewis (Times Union), local historian Kathy Sheehan, genealogist Lisa Dougherty, Jen Brown (Berkshire Eagle), Chef Joan Debinski, business owner Rose Miller, film producer Liz Koenig, the Timeless Tappers, and Taylor Dorado (Siena College soccer player).

Groups/organizations who will be tabling include the Loisada Conservation Council Foundation (from Kenya), Hudson-Chatham Winery, Hudson Valley Hand-Cut Scones, the Albany Women’s Club, DiviniTea, the Food Pantries for the Capital District, the Electric City Barn, multi-media artists Marjorie Ward and Linda Guzzo, National Museum of Racing, the Irish-American Heritage Museum, Shaker Heritage Society, Fort Orange Garden Club, Friends of Pruyn House, the Meier Law Firm, Piece d’Occasion, The Phitgirl, the League of Women Voters, Girl Scout Troop 1350, Heritage Home for Women, and many, many more. Come learn, network and celebrate!

For additional information, please call Diane at 518-459-2857 ext. 305.